Bitwarden with Caddy 2 on Digital Ocean
The Preamble Ramble I finally had to bite the bullet and go away from the antiquated way I was leveraging password management. I was maintaining a keepass database synced via Dropbox. This let me keep my phone, my work laptop, my desktop, and my wife's computer all in sync. However, when my wife re-installed her OS last week, Dropbox informed me that my license is only good for three computers. Well, time to finally make the move to Bitwarden.
Pester: Go (Golang) HTTP retries, backoff, and concurrency
Resiliency in HTTP requests Having worked for a few years on high scale and high availability systems, I've learned there are a few tricks that you can employ to make sure your requests make it back from over the network. There are two basic approaches in this arena: fail and recover fast (ala Hystrix) and the bit older method of handling retires, backoff, and making concurrent requests. Hystrix seems pretty dang awesome, but may be a little heavy handed.
Finally, now we can get started
Posting new content under Docker Time is so hard to find. Getting pulled three ways from Sunday at work has left me outside of a solid work-life balance. As such, it I have not had the opportunity to get back to playing with this setup. Well, the time has come. I finally got everything figured out between Digital Ocean, Hugo, and Docker. The Set Up Check out this repo for the complete digs; there you will find everything.
Hugo Syntax Highlighting
So, a few minutes ago, I was all excited on how easy Hugo was to get started. While I really like what I am seeing in a lot of ways, what I do not like is the documentation for syntax highlighting. From the configuration page: # color-codes for highlighting derived from this style pygmentsStyle: "monokai" # true: use pygments-css or false: color-codes directly pygmentsUseClasses: false Using this, coupled with the syntax highlighting page, I cannot get sytanx highlighting to work the way you would think it should.
Moving to Hugo
Now on Hugo I've been looking lately to move off my shared hosting (I know, right?) and I have been seeking an excuse to move all my stuff over to Digital Ocean. I've finally gotten off the pot, and decided that I would expore Docker using Digital Ocean as the backing hardware. Previously, I had a homegrown site. As I don't spend my freetime making hot designs anymore, that site quickly fell out of anything resembling something polished.
Switch to Mac from Ubuntu
At work, we are trying to push towards a homogenous grouping of developer environments (beyond the common VMs) and all developers are encouraged to go the Mac route on the dev’s next upgrade. My System76’s screen cracked (Nooooooooo!) and I started working on the slick XPS13 Developer Ed. The poor little machine could not keep up with a simple VM. So, Mac it was. My first impressions are that (in no particular order):
Settings Backup, Part 2
Settings Backup, Part 2 Somehow my laptop screen got a crack in it. Totally suxorz. I have… er… had a System76 Serval Professional. Awesome machine. While that rig is being sent out for repairs, I’ve installed Ubuntu on a spare laptop and pulled in my Github repo with my settings backup. Presto, chango — my terminal in all its bashy goodness is back to the exact way I like it. Couple that with a Dropbox full of standard background images set up with Wallch and it is like I never changed computers.
Bloody Perl
Working through some Perl code today (shudder). I came across the slash slash equals operator, two forwards slashes and an equals sign //=. No, it is not a comment. It is very similar to pipe pipe equals ||=, but is restricted to undef values. Google needs to work on a way to better search for programming operators.
Settings Backup
Settings Backup and Restoration with GitHub A new Ubuntu version is coming out and the last thing I want to do is manually copy over my myriad of different config and settings files. I have my PS1 function set the way I like it, my Terminator terminal all set up with my keybindings and colors, some handy aliases, and some other rc_goodies. Thanks to the awesome power of GitHub, I fret of this aspect of upgrading no longer.
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